Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Map of Me

I have heard fitness compared to a journey time and time again. It is full of both good times and bad and it is guaranteed that, at some point, you will want to give up. Since I have focused on getting fit since last January, to say this is a "journey" makes it sound easy for some reason. It's more like an epic tale of adventures.

To start, I should explain some of the goals I set out to accomplish starting January 1. I am always an advocate of writing things down that I am serious about accomplishing and I wrote down these goals among others:
  • Lose 15lbs by May 8th [completed!]
  • Run a half marathon this year 2014 [completed!]
Along with these, I have also set 2 additional long term goals:
  • Compete in a figure/fitness modeling competition within a 2 year time frame
  • Become a certified personal trainer within a 5 year time frame
Now, some of my goals are lofty and others are seemingly much more attainable. But, man, has it been an epic adventure thus far and I know it's only going to get more and more intense. I feel like I'm looking over a large map of my life with Mount Everest at the end. Some trails are familiar and well traversed, and other roads lead to unknown, uncharted areas. It's like learning the parts of myself, finding out what I'm capable of, and pushing myself to try new things. Sure, there are days when I need a break or just don't feel like continuing, but the greater goal is so important to me. I want to do this--and I have to keep reminding myself that it is all going to be so worth it in the end.

When the day comes that I step onto that figure stage...hair and makeup all done, abs exposed, and I'm all fake-tanned to an unnatural orangish color..I know I will have discovered so many uncharted aspects of myself and climbed my own "Mount Everest".

I am so ready for my epic adventure.
Philippians 4:13
"I can do all things through Him who gives me strength."

What is your Mount Everest?

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

My Body is a Temple

Yesterday I was having a conversation with my husband about what it means to "be healthy". The more I read, the more I look at inspiring photos, and the more documentaries I watch about health--the more overwhelming and impossible being "healthy" can seem. But why does it have feel so complicated?

I find that, like beauty, health is subjective [to a degree]. Each person has their own idea of what being healthy really means to them. Doctors have their opinions, naturalists have their opinions, weightlifters, runners, yogis, models, nutritionists, everyone has some degree of what they believe true health really is. There are also different subjects of health; mental health, physical health, and spiritual health. So what does it mean?

When it all boils down to it, I find it's not as complicated as it seems. I don't think there is some magic formula or diet, no perfect pill or magical herb. It is all about balance. The more I learn, the more I realize that the overall consensus is that choosing a balanced diet, a balanced workout plan, and a balanced lifestyle is the answer. I read an awesome article on bodybuilding.com about Karina Baymiller where she said,

"The fitness community is full of extremes. We work out until we can't move. We eat diets of tilapia and broccoli. It takes a strong individual to endure what we put ourselves through. But during this second transformation, I found that the middle is where I want to be. I want to be somewhere between the overweight college girl and the underweight girl on stage, somewhere between the girl who ate pop-tarts for every meal and the girl who ate lettuce for every meal, somewhere between the girl who never stepped foot into the gym and the girl who wouldn't leave it until she'd burned enough calories. This middle spot is where I'm happy and strong. It's where I found my balance. " 
[read the whole article here]

A lot of people believe that getting healthy means they have to kill themselves at some gym, drink crazy amounts of protein shakes, sweat uncontrollably, and go to the extreme. Sure-have that cocktail, eat that donut, scarf down that cake...but balance out that drink with water for the rest of the day, an apple for a snack, or just get outside for a 10min walk.

Find balance. Surround yourself with people that encourage you to be healthier you. Set goals, strive to achieve those dreams, and remember, your body is God's temple. You don't fill a temple with donuts.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20
"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have recieved from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."

So what does being healthy mean to you?